I'd like to thank...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 at 10:55PM

I'm noticing that I'm getting more and more traffic here at Weighting on 40.  I just want to send a word of thanks to those folks that have recently subscribed to my blog.  I shall do my very best to live up to the expectations you would have for me and this website.

Remember that I post quite regularly in my Day-to-Day Journal.  Also, reader questions are often the best source of article topics for me to write about.  If you've a question, send me a message using the handy email feature to the left.

Again, thank you all for visiting, and do come back and visit again soon!

Article originally appeared on Fitness for the 40-Something Crowd! (http://www.weightingon40.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.