Indian Gym Names

Wouldn't life be so much easier if we all had names like North America's native Indians? If everyone's name had some sort of meaning about who the person is? If immediately upon meeting someone you knew something about that person's character, strengths, or interests? It would probably make remembering people's names a whole heck of a lot easier, too. No more Toms or Amys or Steves.
Keith and I have a practice of giving our fellow gym members their own gym names. This is, of course not meant to be disrespectful to the native people of our country. It's just easier for us. There's no possible way we can remember EVERYONE'S names, so each person having their own special name makes it easier for each of us to know immediately who we are talking about. It's a matter of convenience really.
There's Backwards Elliptical Girl, known as such because she prefers to use the eliptical trainer backwards. Shaves His Legs Guy and Sir Sweats-a-Lot are pretty self-explanatory. Strolls on the treadmill is reserved for the woman who barely walks on (you guessed it) the treadmill. Weighs Herself Everday is so dubbed because, well she weighs herself everyday. You get the picture.
Today I got to wondering what all of those people chugging away on the cardio machines and hammering out reps on the free weights think of me. What kind of impression do I make on my fellow tribe members? What special Indian gym name would they plant on me?
I hope it would be something cool and positive. Maybe Really Consistent Workout Girl or Killer Triceps Chick. It's not so much that I want to impress everyone, but more that I want to be an example. I want to leave a positive impression of myself in a fitness sense in both results and work ethic. I hope I'm seen as friendly and hardworking and knowledgable. I hope people look at me and can find some aspect they might (gasp) admire or (double gasp) emulate. I guess I want to be a role model.
So what do you think your Indian gym name would be? Would it be something positive that reflects your consistency and determination and commitment? Or would it be something like Only Comes Every Tuesday? Or Signs Up Every January Because of a New Year's Resolution? Or Never Tries Anything Different?
How do you want to be remembered?

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