Weighting On 40 for Women

Recently, my husband, Keith asked me to bring a woman’s perspective on health, exercise, and nutrition to Weighting On 40. I thought, “Why not?” I am a woman, after all (my first and most important qualification), not to mention an information sponge when it comes to all things health and fitness related (qualification number 2), plus I’ve had my own struggles and victories when it comes to fitness (that would by my third qualification). I’m excited to share the information and experience I’ve gathered over the years. As women, we face different challenges and situations in life, especially when it comes to weight loss and fitness. We are biologically, hormonally, and emotionally different than men, like it or not. Men don’t have to deal with PMS, or pregnancy, or losing the extra weight that hangs around after childbirth. They also don’t have to deal with as many hang-ups when it comes to body image. There is far more pressure on females in our culture to be thin, and glamorous, and perfect. Because of that, we just aren’t as nice to ourselves when we look in the mirror. As a 35 year-old working mother of four fabulous children, I think I bring a unique perspective to Weighting on 40. I work hard in and out of the gym to maintain and improve a healthy, attractive body that I can feel comfortable in. In this blog I’ll be sharing what I know and continue to learn about issues specifically related to women's health and fitness. So look for all kinds of cool new stuff coming to Wo40. I promise it will be cool. I mean, it’s about women, right?

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