
*Reposted from Alice's personal blog.*
Sometimes I actually like Mondays. I mean, generally they suck. No more weekend. Back to the grindstone. Friday seems so far away. But Mondays hold a great opportunity, too. Monday is the line in the sand that you draw between the failures of last week (or the insane amount of feasting and relaxing you did over the weekend) and the good intentions of this one. In other words, Mondays are a great place to start over.
I entered this Monday with a plan for the week and a fridge full of healthy food. I have planned out my workouts for the entire week and most of my menu. "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." I don't want to find myself on Thursday looking back at my good intentions and wondering what the Hades went wrong.
All the good intentions in the world won't make a difference without some action to back them up, and action comes a lot easier when it's planned and scheduled. It's harder to come up with an excuse for missing your leg workout when it's written right there on your calender for Friday at 4:00. It's not going to sneak up on you, plus you won't find yourself shrugging off your workout because you waited too long and the gym's about to close.
My big focus this week is on nutrition. Exercising is NOT a problem for me. I love the gym. It's my "Me" time. I use it to relax and focus on myself, to purge my mind of the daily frustrations, and to just plain re-energize. It's not very often you'll find me shirking a workout. However, what I eat is a totally different subject all together.
There has been a humongous gap between how I know I should eat, and what I actually consume. But this Monday I draw a line in the sand. This Monday marks the end of my soda addiction and soft spot for fried chicken. That is now the past. This Monday marks the beginning of fueling my body with the nutrients it needs to maintain health and vitality.
What lines are you drawing this Monday?
(And when you leave a comment, you earn an entry in this month's Wo40 giveaway! How cool is that?)

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