Making Real New Year's Resolutions

I tend to be a bit of a scrooge when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. My bah-humbug attitude comes from the fact that so many of those resolutions deal with health and fitness, crowding the gyms through the month of January, only to see them vacant again, resolutions abandoned, by mid-February. So many people make those resolutions because it’s the socially appropriate thing to do this time of year, not because they are truly committed to making real and lasting changes.
Perhaps the majority of New Year’s resolvers out there don’t understand the true meaning of the word “resolution”; otherwise they’d still be sweating it out at the gym in the middle of July.
One definition of the word “resolution” is “the finding of a solution to a problem”. That means acknowledging there is a problem in the first place. Look at yourself in the mirror and admitting the truth of your health situation is a scary step - one most people avoid. Be honest with yourself, even if it isn’t pretty or makes you feel bad. The journey to health and fitness is just like any other journey. If you go to Mapquest to plan a trip you have to enter a starting point in order to get the directions to where you are going. Without having that point of departure, even Mapquest can’t get you to where you want to go. Chances are you already know the solution to your problem and it lies in healthy nutrition and exercise. If you need help with the specifics, Wo40 is here to help. I suggest starting here.
A resolution also involves the trait of being “resolute”. (There’s an SAT word for you.)
resolute - firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination
Why don’t you take a minute and read that one again, because it’s important. If you are going to take the time to make a New Year’s resolution, be resolute about it. Be firm in your decision, and most of all, be determined. Make it your unshakeable resolution to finish the work you start on January 1st. Let your resoluteness carry you through the battle.
When you look at it that way, a resolution is a pretty powerful thing, not just something to willy-nilly announce on Facebook because all of your friends are doing it. When the work gets hard or your life gets busy, remember your resolutions with a firm purpose and belief that you will see your goals attained.
Even with all of my skepticism regarding the making and keeping of New Year’s resolutions, I still acknowledge that the beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to draw a line in the sand and move forward. For some more ideas to help make your resolutions stick, check out Keith’s entry, This Year I Resolve. Oh…and have a Happy New Year!

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