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    Do You Want Beautiful Skin?

    It’s not a secret that exercise is good for our bodies.  If you don’t know that exercise helps with weight management you’ve probably been hiding under a rock for the past several decades.  Come on out into the sunshine!  And unless you’ve been residing beneath that boulder you probably have heard that exercise also reduces a person’s risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

    If for some weird reason those weren’t enough reasons for you to get your tookus off the couch and get moving, here’s a new one:  exercise will make your skin more beautiful. 

    I know this is the reason, the coup de grace of your sedentary lifestyle, the impetus to finally hit the gym with consistency.  With all of the billions of dollars women spend each year on cosmetics and other related skin care products, I know radiant skin is something the typical woman strives to achieve.  Who would have thought the key to beautiful skin lies in regular exercise?

    When you exercise, the tiny arteries in your skin dilate which allows more blood and the nutrients it carries to reach the surface of the skin.  The increased flow of nutrients to the skin’s surface does some amazing things, including repairing sun damage, fighting free radical damage (which causes signs of aging like skin sagging), and increasing collagen production (decreasing the appearance of wrinkles).  So in basic terms, the increased blood flow caused by exercise helps your skin be smoother, firmer, and less ...well…old.

    If you are exercising hard enough to work up a good sweat, you can think of exercise as a pampering facial.  A good sweat dilates the skin’s pores, and flushes out trapped dirt and oil. 

    So pump it up ladies!  Increase the intensity of your workouts in order to really get a good sweat going.  It’s like a day at the spa for your skin.

    Reader Comments (1)

    That is so true about exercise. It really does help in blood circulation and maintaining good skin tone. My wife and I run a lot whether on the tread mill or outdoors. Exercise together with eating nutritious food and regular facial treatments at our favorite skin clinic help us look and feel younger than our age.

    Brad Kent
    Beverly Hills Dysport

    November 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad Kent

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