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    Health Checkup

    One of the things about changing jobs is the fact that I have to submit myself to a physical checkup in order to assure my new employer that I am not carrying any communicable diseases.  Some of you might not be aware of the fact that I enjoy a trip to the doctor about as much as I enjoy a case of the intestinal flu.  Given the option, I'd just as soon pass if you catch my meaning.

    I tried to get it over with on Friday, but I was hindered by the fact that I didn't have a little yellow piece of paper that the doctor needs to sign.  Looks like I'll be spending some of my free time on Monday PM at the doctor.  It should be an amusing time for me.

    I suppose I shouldn't be so quick to dismiss the importance of a checkup.  The last time I even set foot in a doctor's office was in April to have my broken foot evaluated.  Back then my doctor told me I was in "great physical shape," and I haven't exactly been sitting around just taking in the scenery since then.  I expect that my doc will tell me that everything is hunky-dory and that my 40-year-old body is good for quite some time to come.  Nevertheless, it's always a good idea to have a professional tell me these things lest some unexpected situation come up and catch me by surprise.

    At 40, I'm probably due for several exams including a colonoscopy and a prostate exam.  Neither of these tests particularly enthralls me for obvious reasons, but I'd rather know I'm in good shape rather than just presuming that's the case.

    Of course if you're reading this and you're looking to get started with a physical transformation, you should be talking to your doctor about potential limitations and precautions that you should be taking.  If you're a part of the 40-something-or-above crowd, take the time to have yourself examined for those physical issues that could start to rear their ugly heads as we age a bit.  Prevention is better than a cure every time, and there's nothing like an active, healthy lifestyle to aid in lowering the incidence of things like heart disease, hypertension, and type-2 diabetes.

    I'll post again after this little trip to the doctor.  Be well!

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    Reader Comments (1)

    Wow ! that's a good content...

    September 7, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterhealthcare nt sickcare

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