Staying Fit in the Summer Heat

Monday marked the unofficial beginning of summer for those of us in the Northern hemisphere. Temperatures are climbing fast and many of us will be looking for sanctuary from the sun and heat. Living in the southern United States where the summer air gets so hot and thick you need to breathe it with a spoon, I’ve learned a few tips for keeping up with my summer workouts.
Work out in the morning. Beating the heat of the day by getting outside early is essential for summer outdoor exercise. As a bonus you get to enjoy the neighborhood before the hustle and bustle of the day begins, enjoy the sun as it rises (or the moon as it sets), and enjoy early morning bird song. Also getting a morning run, bike ride, or brisk walk can give you a jumpstart of energy to help you get through the rest of your day.
Release your inner child. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy some good old fashioned playtime. A great game of Frisbee at the beach, swimming in the pool, jumping rope with the kids, or an impromptu game of softball at the park are great ways to get some fresh air and burn some calories at the same time. Plus it’s just plain fun!
Enjoy indoor activities. If you just aren’t a morning person, you can still enjoy your exercise in the cool of the indoors. (I don’t know about you, but the person who invented air condition is seriously my hero.) The gym tends to be far less crowded during the summer months, so you won’t have to wait in line for your favorite piece of gym equipment. Not a member of a gym? Summer is a great time to try out a new workout video, or you can crank up some music and enjoy a heart-pumping dance party in the comfort of your own home. Seriously, nobody wants to see me dance. (Someone once told me I dance like a fish!) I save that embarrassment for the immediate family.
Stay hydrated. It’s always important to drink plenty of water, but it’s crucial during the hot summer months. Sweat is a good indicator of needing to down some fluids. Beware of sugary summer drinks like lemonade and sweet tea. While they may be tasty, they do little to hydrate your body and are full of empty calories. Also, beware the beer and mixed drinks at the summer barbeques. Alcohol is a diuretic (that’s why you have to run to the bathroom so frequently when you’re drinking). Be sure to drink plenty of water along with your alcoholic beverages, and stay away from them during the intense heat of mid day.
What are your summer fitness strategies? Hit me up in the comments below.

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