If You Want To See Remarkable Results

An acquaintance of mine approached me yesterday. She had heard about Weighting on 40 and was interested in the information here. So she spilled all of the details about her weight gain, and her approaching wedding, and wanting to be thin for her big day. In short she wants to lose 60 pounds in 10 months. That’s certainly not impossible. In fact it’s a very realistic goal. The kicker is that in order to accomplish that goal, she’s going to have to work for it. In our short conversation, I attempted to talk her out of her original idea of starving herself and encouraged her to exercise while eating a sensible, healthy diet. Her idea of exercise, unfortunately, was limited to walking a mile every evening. While better than sitting on the couch watching American Idol, that’s probably not going to help her achieve the kind of results she’s looking for. Her body is used to walking. It’s been doing it for YEARS. In fact, she does it EVERYDAY. And in spite of all that walking, she finds herself in a body she’s not happy with. She needs to challenge her body, get her heart rate pumping, make her muscles work. A stroll around the neighborhood just isn’t going to cut it. In order to accomplish remarkable results, you need to make remarkable changes. Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying that walking a mile every evening isn’t worth doing. Just don’t expect to accomplish something remarkable (like losing 60 pounds of fat in 10 months) doing it. Let’s look at the numbers. A pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. In order to rid your body of just one pound of fat, you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories through exercise while at the same time, limiting the amount of calories consumed (try to stay away from those donuts). A 200 pound person, walking at a somewhat leisurely pace of 2.5 miles per hour is only going to burn 109 calories during that mile-long evening stroll. At that rate it’s going to take over a month just to rid your body of just one measly little pound of fat. If you want to see how many calories your body will use during a certain activity, check out Health Status’s calorie calculator. They have results for everything from brushing your teeth and mopping the floor to lifting weights and cycling. You might be surprised just how few calories your body uses during your favorite exercise. (This is one very good reason You Can’t Out-Train A Bad Diet.) So if walking your dog around the neighborhood isn’t going to cut it, what exactly is? Try reading Exercise for Fat Reduction, but before you do there are a few other things to consider. Fortunately Keith walks you through the steps and tells you all about Getting Started With Physique Transformation.