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    Exercise Outdoors

    It's fall here in the northern hemisphere, and for me that means the opportunity for some outdoor time before the temperatures are cold enough to be uncomfortable.  Around here in the summertime, it's just too hot to be outside.  With the humidity, an outdoor run depletes the body of water and electrolytes at an alarming rate.  I suppose it doesn't help that I sweat profusely in the summer, even if I'm NOT exercising.  The winters here aren't so bad, it's just that deep breathing in frigid temperatures makes my lungs hurt a bit.  For me, outdoor training is a fall and spring activity.

    So now it is October.  The air is crisp and cool - the perfect excuse to head outside for some training.  It's nice to get out of the dank, stale gym every now and again and enjoy the rush real (rather than circulated) air.  Never mind that there is the opportunity to throw a new routine at your muscles by taking your training outside.  My wife and I have started going to the park during the week and running the trails that surround the little lake there.  Near the head of these trails is a pullup bar and a balance beam.  Our workout consists of as many pullups as we can do followed by incline pushups and dips on the balance beam.  In between sets, we run the trails.  This workout is remarkably different from moving plates and dumbbells around at the gym.  And it's WAY more interesting than thudding along on a treadmill.

    Keepinhg your workouts new and interesting is a key aspect to sticking of fitness training.  We don't do the things we become bored with, so adding a new element - like 45 minutes of outdoor activities - can help us keep our perspective on training interesting and inspiring.

    So get out there and have some fun outdoors.  Play some flag football with your family.  Climb a tree.  Do whatever makes you feel stronger and more refreshed.  Your mind AND your body will appreciate it!

    For more information on keeping your workouts interesting, take a look at my article titled Making Exercise Fun.

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