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    Healthiest (and UNhealthiest) States

    Forbes has produced a list of the healthiest and unhealthiest states in the United States.  Sadly, North Carolina (my home state) has landed near the bottom at 37th overall.  I find it particularly interesting that the southern states have a strong representation at the bottom of the list; 11 of the bottom 15 states are southern states (maybe 12 - is W. Virginia considered a southern state?).

    It's one of those things about living here in the south - just about everything a person puts in their mouth around here is deep fried.  Add to that the fact that when virtually ANY southern church congregation gets together, there's likely to have a covered dish meal or roast pig involved.  We love to eat, we southerners, and when we do eat it's usually not the best food.

    Another interesting fact is that New England is well represented in the top 10.  Vermont, Massachusettes, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, and Rhode Island all rank way up there, with several of those states appearing in the top lists for smoking and obesity.  Looks like those New Englanders have got healthy living down to a science!

    So how does your state rate?  Take a look over at Forbes and check it out.  Then come on back and let us know!

    Be well!

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