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    It's On Its Way!

    We won't pay retail for anything if we can absolutely avoid it, so in typical fashion we decided to look online for Shaun T's Insanity workout before purchasing from the actual infomercial.  After several tries, we finally found someone that would actually respond to our queries regarding the DVDs they had listed in online ads.

    As it turns out, we got a pretty good "two-fer" in the process.  This person was selling both Shaun T's Insanity workout along with their copy of P90X.  These are original programs still in their boxes.  The Insanity workout is unopened.  We got both for about the same price as one of the programs.

    We should get the programs next week.  For now, we're just trying to decide what area of the house should be utilized for this program.  Someplace that can handle pools of sweat...

    We'll keep you informed, as always.

    Be well!

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