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    Isshinryu Karate

    I've taken up a sport that I haven't enjoyed for about 18 years or so - karate.  My younger son started taking karate in November 2008, and I was forced to sit on the sidelines remembering the times when I was the one throwing kicks and punches.  It didn't take long before I told my wife that I really wanted to take karate, too.

    Fast forward to 4 weeks ago.  For the first time in nearly 2 decades I stepped onto the mat in a karate dojo and had a formal lesson.  Even better is the fact that my older son and my wife are also students.  We are the family that kicks together.


    This is one of the really cool by-products of being in shape.  I get the benefit of participating in life and not just watching it go by from the sidelines.  Much like my spectator status in my younger son's karate class, when I was overweight, unhappy, and in pain all the time, I didn't get the opportunity to enjoy the kinds of activities that I'm becoming involved in now.  Not only did my family life suffer terribly, but my work life sucked, and home life was just hum-drum.

    I had created my own misery and fueled the misery with inactivity and hostility.  What an unfortunate life!

    Karate isn't the only new thing I'm trying.  I'm looking at starting an online venture in the bowling arena - something else I'm fairly good at - that will not only focus on the details of the sport of bowling but also on the fitness aspect and its affect on bowling ability.  I recently spoke with a friend who wants to shed some fat and regain the physical conditioning he enjoyed in his military career.  Perhaps I'll have the opportunity to work with him and help HIM reach HIS goals.

    The point of the matter is that now the sky's the limit.  The only thing that holds me back is me - and I held myself back for long enough.  It's time I fully engaged and took life by the horns.

    Come along!  I promise, you'll have a GREAT time!

    Be well!

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