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    Now that's a workout!

    There's this thing I noticed about us men. When it comes to working out, there are a few things that so many of us want to accomplish - big arms, built chest, and a 6-pack tops among them. Now, there's nothing wrong with those goals, but to isolate workouts to the point of excluding other body parts is both sad and amusing at the same time.

    I watch some of the guys in my gym while they're working out. I see the same guys training back, chest, shoulders, and arms on a nearly daily basis. For their effort, they're rewarded with a well developed upper body - on little stilt-like legs. That's the amusing part. The sad part is that their workouts appear to be geared towards a sense of vanity rather than actual overall physical health.

    Being a fairly typical guy, one of my current goals is to have bigger arms. I recently read in some men's magazine that the way to develop size on the upper arm is to forego the abundance of curling-type exercises for the biceps. Virtually every bicep workout has combinations of curls - hammers, concentration curls, e-z curl barbells, preacher curls, etc. The article suggests that adding size to the bicep is not a matter of doing more and heavier curls but rather in performing pulling-type exercises that incorporate the biceps more. I've started doing this recently - my own personal experiment to see if this author was just blowing smoke or actually giving good advice.

    Last night was my upper-body workout. I did the usual incline barbell press for the chest with cable crossovers as a finishing move. Shoulders included military presses for the medial head, flys for the posterior head and front raises for the anterior head. Then I moved to my least favorite piece of equipment in the gym - the weight-assist pullup machine. That thing is just pure evil. If you ever want to know what it feel like to be beaten about the head and shoulders with a metal pipe, just spend some time with this machine. Lucky me - this was where I would spend the rest of my workout.

    The weight-assist pullup machine has several different exercise options on it - wide-grip pullups, narrow-grip pullups, neutral-grip pullups (palms facing each other), and handles for triceps dips. My first body part on this machine was the back. For these I did wide-grip pullups at 50% body weight (90 lbs assist) and reducing the weight with each set. By the time I got to my set of 6, I was sweating profusely and my back refused to pull anymore. I returned to the 50% body-weight and managed 12 reps, but when I got to the lat pulldown bar, I think I got 6 or 7 reps in before my back just said, "that's all, dude." I finished the exercise by doing 12 close-grip rows.

    Next, I did dips. I started at 100-lbs assist (dipping 85 lbs or so) and reducing the assist as I moved along. Same thing happened. I got to my set of 6 and saw stars. My triceps were screaming - and HUGE. Dips are compound movements, incorporating both the shoulder and the elbow joints thus making them a more effective exercise than something like cable presses (which are a good exercise too!). When I got to my last triceps exercise - overhead presses with a 25 lb dumbbell - I thought I was going to drop the weight on my noggin.

    Back to the weight-assist machine. Biceps now - this was going to be the test of the information from the article I read. I have fairly strong biceps, so I started my exercise with 80 lb assist and reduced it from there. I rethought that idea by the time I got to my set of 8. My biceps literally felt like they were going to explode. I'm sure I looked really "cool" when I did my set of 6 - struggling to pull 135 pounds up with bulging biceps that were all but spent. I added more weight for the assist and struggled through 12 reps before running over to the dumbbells and grabbing a set of 15s. 15s are usually fairly easy for me, but this was no ordinary set of circumstances. My biceps were toast.

    By this time, my wife had finished her workout and was watching me from the other side of the gym. Her comment when we were driving home was something along the lines of "your arms looked HUGE - even from across the gym." *smile*

    Right now, I'm enjoying the effects of that workout - a bit of soreness coupled with some pretty bulgy-feeling arms.

    The gist of all this, I suppose, is that trying something new isn't necessarily a bad idea - especially this late in the game (only 2.5 weeks remaining in this first Transformation). Always push to new limits and reach new heights. The physical and mental rewards are worth the price you pay.



    Getting Stronger

    I went with my family to the park this evening.  While we were there, I took a shot at trying some pull ups on one of the jungle-gym structures.  I pulled 5.  Not a great number, but not a bad number considering this is an exercise I only recently began training for.

    It's long been one of my goals to step up to the United States Marine Corps tent at the NC State Fair and belt out a minimum of 10 pull-ups.  I came close a few years ago, but once I had gained a significant amount of weight it was logically something I hadn't wanted to attempt since. It is now my post-birthday goal, but I'm upping the ante.

    I will pull 15+ pull-ups in October at the USMC tent at NC State Fair - not the minimum 10 that gains recognition.  At that time, I will be fully 40 years old and probably the least likely candidate to successfully pull that kind of number.

    Currently, I'm 1/3 of the way to that goal after only about 10 days of training with that kind of exercise.  I did more training this morning and will be back at the gym for this kind of training again on Wednesday.  Of course, between now and Wednesday I'll be riding the bike for 30-40 minutes per day, and I'll do a leg workout tomorrow.

    Speaking of leg workouts, I decided to go ahead and start doing leg presses and deadlifts again.  It feels nice to be doing some more meaningful exercises for my legs - those extension and flexion machines just don't cut it.  It's better than nothing, but it's not nearly what I need to develop my legs.

    All in all, things are really looking up for me.  It's April - the last full month of my Transformation Challenge.  5 more weeks to go until the end of that, but not the end of my drive to improve my physical and mental well-being.  I will be an example to all people who consider themselves too old to be in the best shape of their lives.  I'm setting and achieving goals, and if I can do it, anyone can.  United States Marine Corps tent here I come.

    If you are over 30 and doubt you can be in the best shape of your life, shoot me a message.  Let's talk about it.  I'll help in any way I can.

    Be well!


    New Photos!

    I've added a few new photos to my Progress gallery.  Check them out!

    If you think 39 is too old to get into beach-worthy shape, then I hope these pictures will bring about a change of mind for you.  They're not final photos, but they definitely show a big difference between then (November/January) and now.


    New Article Up

    I've put up a new article on HIIT (high-intensity interval training) vs. steady-state cardio.  Read and enjoy.  And COMMENT!  Articles have a "Post a Comment" option at the bottom.  I love to hear from my readers!


    New Photo and other stuff...

    Added a new photo last night to show some progress in this whole adventure.  Also, I'm currently working on an article detailing cardiovascular exercise and the benefits of HIIT.  That will be up this weekend, I expect.

    I'm more than halfway through my official Transformation Challenge.  This broken foot has slowed me down some, but it hasn't taken me out of the game - not by a long shot.

    Keep coming back.  New things are going up on a regular basis.

    Be well!