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    Entries in sex drive (2)


    9 Foods to Heat Up Your Love Life

    Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and stores are sporting copious amounts of pink and red merchandise.  It’s that time of year when men are especially pressured to pull out the romance.  Instead of wooing that special someone with a box of chocolates (which also contain loads of refined sugar, fat, and often chemical coloring and flavor.  Blech!), why not show her how much you care with a meal of foods that are not only good for the body, but boost the libido. Here’s a list to get you started.

    1. Oysters.  Long-touted as an aphrodisiac, oysters do not disappoint.  Oysters are high in zinc, which is essential in maintaining healthy levels of testosterone (a hormone directly related to sex drive in both men and women).  Oysters also offer a boost of dopamine, a hormone which increases libido.  Consuming them raw seems to be most effective.

    2. Garlic.  This flavorful bulb contains allicin, which improves blood flow to the sexual organs.  Just don’t forget the breath mints.

    3. Basil.  It’s not just for Italians anymore.  High in antioxidants, this flavorful herb is said to increase circulation, stimulate sex drive, and boost fertility.  Plus the aroma of basil is intoxicating.  Basil oil was traditionally used by Mediterranean prostitutes to attract customers (and not just for their famous pasta dishes).  The aroma of basil can also help foster a sense of general well-being, which helps shed stress and can allow us to more easily enjoy “bedroom activities”. 

    4. Asparagus.  Aside from its slightly phallic appearance, asparagus is also a good source of vitamin E.  Often called the “sex vitamin”, vitamin E aids the body in hormone production which enhances mood and sexual desire.  As an added benefit, Vitamin E helps prevent aging and natural sexual longevity.  Vitamin E has also been used by some women as a sexual lubricant to heighten sensitivity.  Although what you do with your asparagus is entirely up to you. 

    5. Avocado.  Known to the Aztecs as ahuacatal, or “testicle tree”, avocados help increase libido for both genders.  Its high levels of folic acid assist the body in metabolizing protein, resulting in increased energy levels.  Obviously a good thing inside and outside the bedroom.

    6. Almonds.  The high levels of essential fatty acids found in almonds, provide the basis for healthy male hormone levels which regulate sex drive.  What’s in it for your lady?  Studies show that just the smell of almonds can act as an aphrodisiac for women.  Makes me wonder why there isn’t more almond-scented aftershave out there on the market.

    7. Nutmeg.  This wonderfully aromatic spice has traditionally been used in Indian medicine to boost libido.  Recent animal studies have shown nutmeg to have the same effect as the drug Viagra on mating behavior. 

    8. Chilies.  Capsaicin, the substance that lends chilies their heat, can also lend some heat to your love life.  It stimulates nerve endings, raises heart rate, and triggers the release of endorphins causing you to just feel doggone great.

    9. Dark Chocolate.  A 2006 study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who ate chocolate on a daily basis had higher sexual function than woman who did not.  Dark chocolate contains high levels of serotonin, a mood booster, and phenyl ethylamine which mimics the brain chemistry of a person in love. So maybe it’s not such a bad idea to buy her the box of chocolates after all.


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    Sex, Libido, and Exercise

    OK guys.  Besides the obvious connection between sex and exercise – that a healthy body is, for many people, a more sexually desirable one – the link between your workout regimen and your sex drive goes deeper into your physiology.  In other words, let’s talk hormones – specifically, your sex hormone: testosterone.

    Testosterone is the primary muscle building hormone, and men are blessed with an abundance of it (that explains why women, who aren’t as testosterone laden as men, do not bulk up when they lift weights).  As men age, our testosterone levels decline.  The regular ads you see on television for prescription libido-enhancement are a testimony to the degree to which men are losing their sex drive and stamina as they age.

    Luckily, we here at are here to help!

    Consider this fact: a man my height (5’ 10”) will see a 10-year acceleration in the decline of testosterone with just a mere 30 lbs of additional fat in the midsection.  While I was out and about today, I observed literally dozens of men who were carrying at least that much fat on their bellies (and some a whole lot more).  At my age, my libido could be that of a 50-year-old man had I not taken charge of my weight and health.  Since sex is, after all, an enjoyable activity, I feel compelled to do as much as I can to continue in that activity for as long as possible!

    If you’re currently carrying a bit more around the waist than you need, start setting some goals for getting rid of the belly fat, and then get started with an exercise and nutrition plan that will help you achieve those goals.  This is especially true for those of us who are 40+, since our sex drive has a natural tendency to decline as we age.

    A part of that exercise program should naturally involve weight training.  According to research, men who regularly engage in resistance training (2-3 times a week) can see as much as a 49% increase in their free testosterone levels.  That free testosterone will not only help you grow muscles but will also naturally enhance your performance in the bedroom.

    To further enhance your body’s ability to naturally produce testosterone, limit your alcohol intake and keep your stress levels at a minimum.

    There's no time like the present to get started on naturally enhancing your body’s ability to produce testosterone by reducing abdominal fat and growing some always-impressive muscle.  Your body – and your partner – will appreciate the effort!