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Back in September, I mentioned that the local paper was doing a story on Silly me, I never linked the article on my own website. Check it out:
Fitness Effort Leads to Website
Purpose: ‘Live your life in abundant health’
TARBORO — Keith Webb took a look in the mirror on his 39th birthday (“the first day of my last year in my 30s,” he said) and did not like what he saw.
“Oh, man,” he recalled. “I had jowls and a Buddha belly.”
Webb was determined to do something about that. It eventually led to a website ( that includes before and impressive after photos.
“It’s easy to start and then abandon (working out),” he explained. “I wanted to be more accountable. It began as a blog and kind of took off and grew.”
His wife Alice, often his workout partner, jumped in and writes in the 4Women section where she answers questions women might have. A photo of her in a two-piece bathing suit speaks for itself.
What they have created is a website that is informative and inspirational. It includes exercises and recipes with nutritional information. It stresses goal-setting.
“The purpose of this website is to help you live your life in abundant health,” are Webb’s first words on the site.
“Anybody can lose weight. Stop eating,” Webb said. “To be fit, you have to do more.”
Webb spends three nights a week, two hours each at karate practice. He works out 45 minutes to an hour the other nights and walks or runs two to three miles when he can find the time.
He’s a member of the Tarboro Athletic Club.
The couple reports his workouts have made the relationship better with his wife and four children: [Daniel], 14, Hannah, 11, Silas, 9, and Emma, 7.
“When you don’t feel good about yourself, it’s kind of hard to feel good about others,” he said. “I wasn’t happy.”
Webb lifts weights, does cardio work and walks a brisk two to three miles.
Webb’s scales showed he weighted 206 pounds when he began working out. He’s a solid 185-188 pounds today on a muscular 5-foot-10 frame.
“I struggled with extra pounds after each child was born,” Alice said, “but I didn’t use it as an excuse to let myself go.
“I like feeling comfortable in my body.”
She is home-schooling the children.
Each stresses it is important to be supportive and encouraging of the other.
“We want to give a strong example to the children,” she said, “so when they grow up, they won’t have to struggle with their weight.”
Alice said she has received many nice comments from her female friends about her husband’s new look.
Keith and Alice met while attending East Carolina University in 1991. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature. They came to Tarboro 15 years ago to teach school. He teaches English at Edgecombe Early College High School.
“This is about losing weight,” he said. “It’s taking total control of yourself and being healthy.”
They reply to “every single” e-mail they receive and have about 700 followers on their Facebook account.